We were inspired by the Chinese New Year last week to write this blog. We are fascinated how many Chinese follow the Zodiac and Astrology to predict their careers, find true love and plan their future.
But firstly, lets discuss what Astrology is: it is the study of the effect that a distant cosmic object, usually stars and planets, has on human lives.
You can determine what your astrology is based on your date of birth – there are 12 signs (called the Zodiac) which fall between certain dates. A quick Google search will tell you what your sign is. Pauline’s is Pisces – a fish who is creative, sensitive, and passionate. Natasha is a Capricorn – a horned goat who is ambitious, organised, and practical. Part of astrology is to identify what your career, long-term goals and even who your love connections are.
But does it make sense to align such important aspects of your life on the planets and stars? Let us discuss and find out.
Let us first break down how astrology identifies your best career fit based on your date of birth.
Reading about it, it is in fact a confusing process looking at different aspects of the sun, a number of different ‘houses’ such as career path, personal values, and doubts and fears, then it looks at the aligning of planets and the characteristics of your Zodiac sign itself. It would benefit to see an astrologist to do this work for you and guide you in a clearer direction.
However, we did find a website which breaks down your Zodiac attributes quickly and delivers a few career ideas at the same time – https://repeller.com/astrology-career/
Looking at Pieces, for example, we admit, they nailed it. Pauline has always wanted to be a psychologist and finds that she does enjoy helping and guiding people, as they claim Pisces do. This is why she ended up in Human Resources to start off with. Having said that, she cannot for the life of her allow something as significant as her career to lie in the hands of a faraway planet rather than taking it into her own hands. There are others, though, that trust the universe explicitly and allow it to guide them in all aspects of their lives.
So here is where the debate lies – does your zodiac determine your best career path?
Our approach to identifying the right career path is like that of the astrology process – look at your personal values, skills, attributes, characteristics and even your likes and dislikes. All this will make up a path that is best suited to you. The difference is, we believe your characteristics are an individual thing, one that you do not share with millions of others who were born on the same day and month as you. There is no one size fits all when it comes to career. It is personal. Pauline is a Pisces as stated, and Natasha a Capricorn, and they are both in the same career even though their astrological attributes and characteristics are different. Reading the same site about Capricorns left us with little to no information on the type of career path this sign should pursue. It was so ambiguous, it simply said a Capricorn is not social or warm, but goal driven. So can someone who is considered not warm do the same job as someone who is considered the opposite? According to astrology, not really. However, Natasha loves Human Resources as much as Pauline does and for the exact same reasons. So, in our view you need to dig much deeper and find out the core of what drives you as an individual, rather than what planet drives you, and according to astrology, it really is only one planet: Saturn.
We are not suggesting that your zodiac sign means nothing, however, it depends on whom you ask. If you speak to the Chinese, they will tell you your birth year is key. Pauline was born in the year of the Pig and depending on the 12-year cycle will determine what kind of year she will be having. So once again, her fortune is not in her hands, it is in the hands of whatever year lies ahead of her based on numbers and animals. The year 2022 will be the year of the Tiger – what must we look out for in this year? Well, apparently, for most of us, it will be an unlucky year. As if we all need more bad luck ahead of us!
Having said that, according to people born in the year of the Pig, the best career would be Teachers, Police and Doctors. All of whom Pauline wanted to be at one stage or another. But she also wanted to be a Scientist, Lawyer, Actor, Swim in the Olympics and a become a Writer. Does this all mean it is because she was born a Pisces Pig or it is because like many of us, we have lots of ideas of what we may want to pursue, it does not mean these are the right roles for us at the end of the day. Because if Pauline dug deeper and analysed the career options she had considered for herself, only one or two would tick most of her boxes in what she needed; what would satisfy her views, values, likes, dislikes, goals and so forth.
So is using astrology to identify your career hocus-pocus or is there something to it? We will let you decide.
If you do want a little guidance to the right career path, we do have a free guide you can download today. It is called Job Application Checklist and you can find it in our resource page here.
Happy Job Hunting,
My Career Angels