frequently asked questions
If I have read a My Career Angels eBook, will I also need to do one-on-one coaching?
After reading any of our eBooks, you may find that you have sufficient understanding and skills to confidently enter the job market on your own. However, should you still feel like you require more support, then our one-on-one coaching will be useful to you. It may become a nice complement to the eBook, to have a professional, to discuss your steps and career path in greater detail.
I have over ten years successful working experience, would I still benefit from the eBooks or the one-on-one coaching?
Yes, even with experience, you can still feel lost in various areas, such as interviewing or negotiation skills.
Our coaching is designed to tailor to your needs. We can focus on areas you prefer and feel less confident in, rather than talk about areas you feel you already ace.
Why should I choose My Career Angels eBooks or the one-on-one coaching over another agency?
There are many good career consultants out there and you have a great deal of options at your disposal. It all comes down to what you feel and who you feel most comfortable with. Our eBooks are designed for you to learn about, feel confident in and gain awareness about your career and job market, all in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. Our eBooks are simple to understand, straightforward, without any ‘fluff’. They will provide you with information you cannot simply get over the internet. They are designed by career specialists, who have a lot of ‘secrets of the trade’ to share.
The one-on-one coaching is also conducted online via Zoom. This too allows you to have the pleasure of meeting a consultant at the comfort of your own home. It also does not limit you to meet with someone from your own city, or even country. You can reach out from anywhere in the world and speak with one of us.
We, additionally pride on the fact that our prices are very competitive and our packages offer a great deal of useful information. In many cases, our products and services offer more for less than most other agencies.
If you are still unsure if we are the right fit for you, please feel free to read our blogs and download our free resources.