Fun fact – did you know that a hiring manager will look at your resume for no more than six seconds before they decide if you are a suitable candidate for the role?
So, question- in those six seconds, what is the first part of the resume the hiring manager sees? Answer: the first 3/4 of page one, of course.
So what does this mean? It means the first half of page one in your resume needs to ‘wow’ the hiring manager within seconds in order to persuade them to continue reading it. But how do you do that?
Find out the first three things you need to do in order in make sure your resume is getting the extra minutes it deserves.
Also known as Career Summary and/or Career Objective. No matter what you call it, you need to get this part right or the hiring manager won’t even bother looking at the rest.
So, what is the main focus of this? Well, in short, it is a few lines of your key highlights, career goals, skills and experience. It is your power punch sales pitch.
In this tiny section you need to meet the selection criteria. Basically, aligning yourself as the companies ideal candidate in terms of experience and future direction. No pressure of course.
Whilst this does seem like a challenge, it really can be easily written up if you know what the hiring manager is looking for. How do you find this key information out? The job ad! The job ad will highlight the selection criteria, experience required and ideal candidate profile. Using that information write up your career story that sells.
Have you heard the saying, ‘less is more’? In this case, it’s true. Your resume is not your personal life reel, it is your career bio and should only be career focused.
There are many job seekers who place personal information such as health status, marital status, a headshot, and more into their resume (usually found on the first page). This is a major faux pas.
Unless this information is key to performing the job duties, it does not belong in your resume. Not only does it open you up to serious discrimination, it looks unprofessional.
So, rule of thumb – before you include anything in your resume, ask yourself this question: “does this give me an edge in performing the job duties better?” if the answer is no – do not include it.
The good old fashion debate – what is more important – education or experience? This answer will vary depending on who you ask.
When it comes to asking Human Resource and Recruitment experts, they would say both are just as important as the other. However, it does all come down to the industry and job specific requirements where the end hiring manager may prefer one more than the other.
So how do you know what you should highlight the most and place what where?
If you pay close attention to the job ad, it will tell you. If the job ad does not include educational requirements (or indicates that there is a preference for some sort of degree), but places more emphasis on experience and skill set, then mark your educational history after your employment history on the last page of your resume. In turn, place your skills and/or highlight experience on the first page before you go into your employment history.
However, if the job ad explicitly requests specific educational background, then swap around the order of your skills and move that to the top page.
Why is this important to know? Because the hiring manager will quickly filter someone based off either their education or specific skill set/experience. So by marking it clearly on the first page will allow the hiring manager to know where you stand on their list of desired candidates and continue to read your resume to learn more about your employment history and so on.
Of course not! To be able to write a strong resume is an art in itself. This is why we have created The Art Of Resume Writing. Download your free copy today to be able to start writing your resume with ease and success.
Feel you need a little more? Then you can purchase our How To Write A Winning resume eBook here.
Whilst a resume should follow a certain formula, it does not mean you cannot personalise it to make it unique to you and your personality. In fact, you should. This is what will make it stand out more and for all the right reasons. So use language that you are comfortable with – avoid generic buzz words. Use a font that you feel reads best. Create a layout that meets your personal design taste. It does not all have to be blocky, dry and uniform.
If you want to discuss your resume in further detail and get a free review of it, then reach out to us at
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