This may be tough to hear but whatever the issues you may be facing in your current job – salary, duties or even your co-workers; it is important you voice them to your manager. A good manager will communicate with transparency and try to work with you to better assist your position in the company. Yet, the reality is, good management is not in every organisation, but we still encourage you to approach your manager before addressing your concerns to the HR department or higher. It is always the best starting point.
So often we have been told that management simply dismisses or even ignores pleas for extra assistance, training, deserved promotions, additional support or help with staffing issues.
These people are told “sorry, nothing we can do about it now”; “it’s not within our budget”; “we cannot go changing our policy” and so forth. This leaves them feeling that the company is unwilling to move in their position or provide reasonable explanations or alternatives to their issues. It may be the case that the companies’ hands are indeed tied up and they cannot actually assist you at this time.
Being in a job is like being in a relationship. If the connection is toxic and your partner does not understand or care for your needs (despite attempting to communicate your concerns) then what do you need to do? Best bet is to end the partnership. We are not here to tell you to resign from your job, as this is a personal decision you need to make for yourself, and you need to determine how significant and problematic your issue at work is. But should you feel you have come to a corner with no more turns to make and have properly communicated your concerns to your superiors, then moving on is probably your best option. Before you start applying to jobs, you need to find a job and an organisation that is your ‘match’. There is no such thing as perfect, but there is always a position that ticks a lot of fundamental boxes.
So how do you move on? How do you know if the next company you join will be any better? Here are three tips you should consider to ensure your next job is the right one.
Understand what is distressing you in your current position.
What is causing all this anxiety at work? Is it money; is it culture; or the unmanageable workload dumped on you?
Once you understand what it is you don’t like, want or need, you can then start to narrow down what type of position, culture, salary you will be searching for. Write a list; make it clear what it is you are after. For example:
Working conditions are personal and we all have our individual needs. What might be right for you may not be suitable for your co-worker. There are no right or wrong wants or needs but being realistic in what your future employer can provide for you is vital.
Do your research.
When you find a job that sounds like a winner, do some research on the company before you apply or go to that interview. Imagine you want to try a new restaurant; you may ask a friend who has been there about their experience. You may read reviews online from other people. You could even come across an article where the restaurant features as the top 10 best or worst places to dine. If you can do this type of research for a place to get a meal, surely the same efforts can, and should be done, to the place you are considering to spend 80% of your time.
Read about their mission and vision – it may tell you a lot about their organisational culture, their direction, how they support their staff. How do they present themselves? Try find articles written about the organisation or CEO running the show. Perhaps you may even know someone who worked there or knows a little about the organisation. Networking is great and should be taken advantage of where possible and/or necessary.
Interview the interviewer.
Once you are at the stage of interviewing for the role, take the time you are given to your advantage when asking questions. Question the culture, the promotional abilities, the support offered, and so forth. Create a dialogue with the hiring manager to express what type of role you are looking for and if they believe the role is the right fit for you.
For example, if the position is one that requires you to work alone, as your manager needs you to travel a lot for work, but you prefer to be in a group-based position, then perhaps the job you are interviewing for is not for you. You will only be repeating the same dissatisfaction in your work but in a different organisation.
We hope you have find these tips helpful in your assessments on your current and future employment. It is not an easy choice to decide to move on. Fear, comfort zone and economical issues can prevent you from making the choice to take the next step in your career. However, at the end of the day, there are ways in which you can make informed decisions and educate yourself on the options surrounding you. There are always options; it is simply a matter of you being open to them. Become a detective and do your research, you will find that gem you are looking for.
Happy job hunting,
My Career Angels