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Reference check

Can a job reference be a friend?

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What is a job reference? It is a person you put down as a reliable contact for perspective employers to connect and get to know you better. But have you chosen the right one for yourself or are they hindering your chances in getting the job offer? Keeping reading to find out.

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career coach working on her career

Are you after a job or a career?

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5M to read

Question – are you searching for a job or a career? Do you even know the difference? Is there a difference?

In short, yes, there is a difference between a job and a career…but here is the thing, you can have a job within your career, but not a career within your job. Confused yet? Keep reading to find out.

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7 Ways Not To Be Emotional At Work

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8M to read

It is human nature to have feelings. But how and where is it appropriate to show those feelings? Many would argue a workplace is not a space to be expressing anything other than professional standards. However, as much as nearly 83% of us have admitted to crying at work. So instead of us telling you to not to show and express your emotions, we will share some ways in how to handle them and express them in a professional manner.

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Working for FREE…why it is not really free

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6M to read

Have you ever heard the saying “nothing is for free”?
What does it mean? It means that even if someone offers you something as a ‘gift’ (outside of your birthday or holidays) for free, it does not mean you will not be paying for it later one way, shape or form.
But how does this translate to career and your personal employment? How is working for free paying you?

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Toxic Positivity

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3M to read

The idea or belief that you should always have a positive spin or attitude towards something, regardless of personal circumstances or issues is not always possible.

So what is toxic positivity and how do you overcome it?

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